My interest in Chinese medicine began as a love of philosophy and nature. Little did I know, as an undergraduate at Goucher College, that my liberal arts studies, and particularly those in Taoism, would lead to an Acupuncture career. Even as I turned my Philosophy major into a Business Administration Degree, my passion for philosophy never faltered. 

Years later, in 1992, I embarked on a mountaineering expedition in Ecuador. While there, a fellow traveller suggested that I meet her Acupuncturist. Upon returning home I did just that and my life changed forever. When people ask how I got into Acupuncture I often relate our encounter and this metaphor that has stuck with me since my very first treatment:

I was a horse with blinders on. I had a very limited perception of what life was or how it could be. After my first treatment it was if the blinders fell off and life was no longer a narrow path, but rather a vast open field full of possibility. That’s when I decided that if this is what Acupuncture could offer, I had found something that I could spend the rest of my life offering to others.

For me, practicing Acupuncture is so much more than a profession. It is sharing an enriching way of life with people who are seeking health, healing and even a “daring adventure.”